Monday, November 30, 2009

Going to try this whole blog thing again.

Yes, so I have established  I am really and truly horrible at blogging.  :::hanging head in shame:::  But I am really going to try and give this whole thing another try.  I promise.

Law school exam season is back at the Miller household once again.  And we all know what that means...drum roll please...procrastination!  Thank the Lord I only have one more "exam season" after this one!  Well, that is if you don't count the upcoming bar exam, and I think that will qualify as worse than a season.  Yet to come up with that I will call it.  Just dreading it altogether and hating law school in general right now.  With the economy in the dumps like it is (How 'bout that stimulus?! Ha.), I often wonder if law school will be worth all of the time, money, sweat and tears.  And I think a lot of students in my situation are probably thinking the same thing.  I mean I spent all of this effort trying to keep up my GPA and pretending to study for the LSAT for nothing.  Fantastic.  That's my new word by the way:  fantastic.  You may say, 'Janelle, 'fantastic' is nothing new, it is certainly not catchy.'  And I'll admit I have no idea why it's my new word, but I do catch myself saying it quite a bit.  Personally, I think it's because it is once again Gator Basketball season.  (Did you see that win over #2 Michigan State this past weekend?!)  Anyways, getting off track.  Law school sucks.  Ok, back on track.  Three exams this semester (first one on Friday) and then the way my schedule is looking for next semester, I will only have one in May.

As far as life updates go, well the ones that matter anyway (I'm sure most don't care to hear me whine about school), there is a ton.  I won't go into great detail even though I have written in five months.  In August, on my first day back to classes and I going into my first day of my (then) new internship, I got a call from Hubs.  He had just been laid off.  Fantastic.  So, holding back the tears, I walked in and started my first day of my internship with, what I will refer to her as, "my judge."  The next moment I had to myself, I broke down.  Well, after a long and hard three months, Hubs has a new job.  Not really comfortable going into details about it though at this point.  It was really, really tough...especially being that this is our second time dealing with this situation in our 1.5 year-old marriage.  But good news, well really the best news, is that we made it.  And I really do think it taught us a lot about ourselves.

I will also, say that my internship (that has since ended) with "my judge" was the best thing about my law school experience thus far.  Always nice to get a dash of the real world in your education.  I tend to think that law schools around the country need to learn a thing or two from med schools:  the "practical" factor and the "real world" factor.  Enough with theory!  Show me what I will be doing when I (hopefully!) get a real, grown-up job!  K thanks.  Back to "my judge" thing ever.  She will be my mentor for life in all seriousness.  I am so lucky to have worked in her presence and under her guidance.  You wouldn't believe how many times I thanked God for a mentor like her in my prayers at night.  Especially during this stressful economic time not only in our household, but across the nation...there are many a nights where I worry worry worry.  I am Type A (I think it's required to pass the LSAT).  I like to plan/have plans.  I have always had a plan.  I have always followed that plan.  You know, the typical:  Get into UF.  Check.  Get into law school check.  Get married to Hubs. Check.  Graduate law school.  About to be a check in May.  Question is now, what's next on my to-do list?  Get a job, obviously.  But doing what?  Is there even a job out there to be had for me?  Civil or criminal?  I would love to be a prosecutor for a few years and get trial experience right off the bat, but then I face the obstacle of going from criminal to civil, not to mention an embarrassingly low salary.  So, civil right?  Well, which field of civil law?  All I know right now is that I do not want to do criminal defense, family law, or tax law.  Other than that, I guess you could say I am pretty open.  But with the way the economy is sucking, what other choice do I have?  This stresses me out as you can tell.  And it has been really nice to have had "my judge" all semester to help me walk through the forest, being that she's been through it before and all.  Can I also say, let's give a hand for all of the mentors out there?  Not everyone is willing to be as open, honest and helpful as "my judge" but for every single piece of advice she has given me thus far, from having children to oral argument advice, I am immensely thankful.

Other than that, there is not a whole lot going on in the Miller household.  Well, except for all of the excitement in the house (mostly on my part) due to the Gators making another run for yet another National Championship.  Yes, you read that right, "yet another."  I mean seriously, how amazing are the Florida Gators?!  Pretty dang amazing people.  And don't even get me started on the amazingness of #15.  Heisman #2 here he comes.  I am so ready to beat the Crimson Tide yet again and book those tickets to Pasadena (of course I am dreaming)!  Here's a video for all to enjoy of the greatest college football player ever:

Oh and one more thing, a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to my Dad who turned 50 last week.  Love you Dad!


  1. You're a fantastic writer and half of a gorgeous couple! Keep it up!

    Love the blog =)
